Electrical Distribution Company as new DC

Key Points for Electrical distribution Conpanies as DC

On dated 15.04.21 via notification no 18/1/BEE/DISCOM/2021 Bureau of Energy efficiency (BEE) has developed new regulations called Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Manner and Intervals for Conduct of Energy Audit (Accounting) in Electricity Distribution Companies) Regulations, 2021 . These new regulations shall be applicable to all electrical distribution companies notified as designated consumers and the regulations called Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Manner and intervals of Time for Conduct of Energy Audit) Regulations, 2010 shall not be applicable to the electrical distribution companies notified as designated consumers.

These regulations will be in consideration after the end of 45 days of publication of the notification in the official gazette.

The important points of the notification are as followers:-

  • Every electrical distribution company shall get its first energy audit(accounting) conducted by an accredited energy auditor within 4 months of coming into effect of these regulations.
  • The first energy audit (accounting) shall take into account the energy accounting of electrical distribution companies for the last 12 months from the date of coming into effect of these regulations.
  • Every electrical distribution company shall conduct an energy audit (accounting ) for every financial year.
  • Prerequisite of Energy Accounting:
  •    Identification, mapping of all network assets and LT ,HT consumers.
  • Implementation of automated software systems.
  • Installation and operation of metres at all network places.
  • Installation of centralised energy audit and accounting cell.
  • Identification of overload segments.
  • Reporting Requirements of Energy Accounting:
  • All feeder wise, circle wise division wise energy accounting reports to be submitted to BEE,State Designated Agency(SDA)and to be displayed at the company website.
  • Electricity distribution companies shall appoint a Nodal Officer for energy accounting reporting compliance and communicate the same to BEE.The nodal officer has to be full time employee of the electricity distribution company and should be rank of chief engineer and above.
  • Electrical distribution companies should ensure the reports are based on value from metres and not based on assumptions by DISCOM, also software to be used for monthly /quarterly/yearly energy accounting reports.
  • Electrical distribution companies should provide details of the IT system in place including protocols , safeguards etc and ensure no manual intervention in creating reports.
  • ยท         The reports shall be uploaded on a designated National portal as notified by Ministry of Power or its nodal agency latest by 15thday every subsequent quarter.
  • Manner of Energy Audit (Accounting): 
  • Verification of the existing pattern of energy distribution.
  • Verification of energy flow between-Transmission line to-33 kV incoming/outgoing distribution feeders to -11kV incoming/outgoing feeders to-distribution transformers to -end consumers.
  • Accredited energy auditor to verify the data.
  • Energy cost and tariff data to be collected.
  •  A monitoring and verification protocol to quantify on an annual basis the impact of each  measure with respect to energy conservation and cost reduction for reporting to the Bureau and the concerned State designated agency.
  • Structure of  Energy Audit (Accounting) Report:
  • The energy audit (accounting) structure shall be jointly decided by the accredited energy auditor and electricity distribution company and the report shall be prepared in the format as described in annexure of the Gazatte.